Envicon® Medical is an Italian company that operates since 1998 in the field of allergic disease. We develop and manufacture product lines dedicated to patients suffering of allergic diseases as asthma, atopic dermatitis and rhinoconjuntivitis.
Thanks to the cooperation with a team of experts of the University of Verona and the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology
of the Gergetown University of Washington D.C., we develop products that meet the latest international guidelines.
Thanks to the success of our products and to the appreciation shown by medical class and by patients, we are currently developing new products widening our field of medical interest such as psoriasis and COPD.
Click on the images below to download the brochures about our product lines:
Envicon® Medical Srl was born as a family business in 1998 and was involved in the production and marketing through direct sales dust mite’s barrier textiles useful to the secondary prevention of mite allergies.
After developing a full range of dust mite products, in 2011 Envicon® Medical Srl acquired Acarbuster® Srl company that was specialized in the production of skin cosmetics, food supplements and medical devices.
Envicon® Madical Srl was born from the merging of these two companies was born Envicon® Medical, which deals with the design, development and
distribution in pharmacy, both in Italy and abroad, of the complete
range of products.
Envicon® Medical Ltd was born from the merging of Envicon® Ltd and Acarbuster® Ltd to meet new business needs and opportunities, implementing its sales network by distributing to pharmacies and to foreign partners. Thus permitted to expand its markets in Europe, America
and Middle East.
Envicon Medical Srl started in 1998 to work in the field of environmental prophylaxis.
Thanks to success obtained in this field over the years, we have expanded our field of action, designing and developing new product lines:
Our focus always remain chronic diseases, mainly of allergic origin, reason for which we interact mainly with pediatricians, allergists, pulmonologists and dermatologists.
In the last year we focused at new opportunities by developing new product lines in addition to pediatric as cosmeceuticals for psoriasis and food supplements to support therapy for COPD.
Examples of some scientific studies published on scientific international magazines relating to Envicon Medical products.
Acarbuster® dust mite barrier fabric:
“Efficacy in allergen control and air permeability of different materials used for bed encasement”Peroni D. et all., Allergy 2004: 59:969–972
Acarbuster® 2002 anti allergen vacuum cleaner:
“Comparison of vacuum cleaners” Vicentini L. et all., Allergy 2002: 57:555-560
Envioil®: washing bath oil with a softening action:
“A child with anaphylaxis to grapes without reaction to grape seed oil” Cardinale F. et all., Allergy. 2010: 65:800-1
Food supplement Auxilie® Immuplus:
“Antioxidant supplementation and exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma” Tenero L. et all., Allergy Asthma Proc. 2016 Jan;37(1):8-13
Before injecting a new line of products in the market, we pretend that the quality and efficacy be certified by an entity-third.
For this reason we rely on the ECARF foundation (European Center for Allergy Research Foundation) and other institutions such as the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology of Gergetown University, Washington DC or the University of Medicine of Verona.
For any questions or doubts, please contact:
Mrs. Paola Bugnotto, Export Manager
mobile +39 335 60 54 613
Mr. Tommaso Boner, Sales Manager
mobile +39 335 10 49 77